August 2019 was a busy month with films that tickled film enthusiasts (not necessarily "interested in watching"), but it seems like this time I will only choose the four that are most attached ... even though there is also a factor I again can't write lots = P. Let's get up to write something again * note to self hehehe *, here are four of the most memorable films during last month.
1. Weathering With You
(2019 - Toho/CoMix Wave)
dir. Makoto Shinkai
Cast: Kotaro Daigo, Nana Mori, Shun Oguri, Tsubasa Honda, Sakura Kiryu, Sei Hirazumi, Yuki Kaji
When faced with Shinkai's previous work, Your Name (2016) which for me is very high concept, Weathering With You is quite simple, at least for those who are used to the same magical realism stories as those of "eastern" us. The main point is the romance of two teenagers, but the coverage of aspects of the story is quite broad as well. The aspect I like most is the "present" way of the two main characters we monetize the girl's ability to stop the rain, to the rhetorical statement about human civilization that changes the way nature works. So, Shinkai is once again able to juxtapose realistic themes with fantastic and mystical elements, which may indeed work the most in anime format. And it is impossible to watch this film without having impressed the design and the pictures.
My score: 8/10
2. Bumi Manusia
(2019 - Falcon)
dir. Hanung Bramantyo
Cast: Iqbaal Ramadhan, Mawar De Jongh, Sha Ine Febriyanti, Whani Darmawan, Jerome Kurnia, Bryan Domani, Giorgino Abraham, Donny Damara, Ayu Laksmi, Hans De Kraker, Chew Kin Wah, Kelly Tandiono, Dewi Irawan, Jeroen Lezer, Peter Sterk, Angelica Reitsma

A perspective: if the intent and purpose is to present a story from a long novel that was once prevented from spreading in this country because the author was labeled a leftist stream, it became one film to be watched by as many Indonesians as possible in 2019, this film was successful. Within 3 hours (!), The thickness is indeed in the love story of a young man and woman from two worlds in colonial times, but the complexity of the people and things around them can also be captured - about identity, culture, social class, law, etc. Or simply, this story is not completed only on the two people invented / not invented. Well, whether all the complexity has been presented in a mature or complete or fair portion, maybe not, not yet. But, back to my initial sentence, the main thing to do this film is to make this long story at home enjoyed by many people (and I still want to position myself as one of the "crowds" =)), with the rhythm and dynamics of the dramatization which is arguably awake. It's not easy, but for me, that's enough.
My score: 7,5/10
3. Gundala
(2019 - Screenplay Films/Bumilangit/Legacy Pictures/Ideosource)
dir. Joko Anwar
Cast: Abimana Aryasatya, Bront Palarae, Tara Basro, Ario Bayu, Pritt Timothy, Lukman Sardi, Arswendy Bening Swara, Donny Alamsyah, Tanta Ginting, Aqi Singgih, Muzakki Ramdhan, Marissa Anita, Rio Dewanto, Faris Fajar, Cecep Arif Rahman

As an observer of Joko's works, I am glad doski had the opportunity to make a film with a larger scope as it was made through Kala. My belief in the value of its production is again proven in Gundala. As a form of renewal of the classic Indonesian superhero comic character, according to my film, it was quite successful in building its world-building foundation, the depiction of Jakarta and Indonesia in a more bleak version, or maybe as bleak but more camera-genic =). The superhero action approach is also easily accepted, combining self-defense capabilities with an additional "supernatural" supernatural powers, archipelago's taste. Only, which then feels quite burdensome, is that the plot of the film is too complicated for a first introductory film, be it the introduction of the universe, or the introduction of the superheroes. That is also what might make the final parts of the film not as intense as the beginning and middle. However, I still at least get its entertainment values, and, this is important, it is still amazed at the calculation of the production that is full of calculations, and you know it's very rewarding if you've ever watched several (attempts) of Indonesian superhero films in previous years = P .
My score: 7/10
4. Once Upon A Time in...Hollywood
(2019 - Columbia)
dir. Quentin Tarantino
Cast: Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, Al Pacino, Emile Hirsch, Margaret Qualley, Timothy Olyphant, Julia Butters, Dakota Fanning, Bruce Dern, Mike Moh, Damian Lewis, Lena Dunham, Kurt Russell

Tarantino is free to do anything. For those who often follow his works, he would already know about his hobbies and admiration for older films and even obscure films, and often he "cheat" the scenes. However, this time a little different, Tarantino borrowed events and real characters from Hollywood in the 1960s, and poured them into stories (s, yes, plural) played by today's Hollywood stars. Yes, I prefer to consider this film a collection of several stories (which then conclude at the end), because like there is no plot that really unites the course of this film, and maybe that's what makes me feel I have to rather "struggle" past 2, Fortunately, the acting parade and the arrangement of scenes in this film were so precise and were able to continue to attract attention, especially in terms of the daily portrayals of Hollywood film industry workers at the time.This could be guessed as Tarantino's way of paying tribute to industry leaders His favorite Hollywood (both TV and big screen), represented by the characters and the fictional situation in this film.
My score: 7/10